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The Future Readiness Index (FRI) scores each member of the European Parliament, based on how active they have been within one of several subjects that indicate “Future Readiness”. Examples are legislation on AI Ethics, Sustainable Energy/Industry and European Infrastructure.
Parlameter is an online tool created by a collaboration of volunteers from tech companies, universities, marketing agencies and NGOs. The tool aims to create transparency as it allows organisations to analyse votes and transcripts of speeches from the National Assembly.
Statsregnskapet is a website that visualises government spending and budgets on the basis of publicly available government statistics. In doing so, it aims to create transparency in government spending.
OpenRaadsinformatie is an online application that provides users with access to public meeting, items on the agenda, motions and documents on various Dutch municipalities and administrations of provinces. Created by the coalition of Dutch municipalities and the Open State Foundation, OpenRaadsinformatie acts as a central point of access to government data and documents, and is utilised by several other applications.
Open Court is a website designed to provide information such as the average number of cases a given court handles, the time a case lasts, the court workload, the average budget, and the experience of judges working in court. The website covers 49 courts in Lithuania, including the district courts, the district administrative courts, the Supreme Administrative Court, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court.
MTender is a website created by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova and provides electronic public procurement records to increase efficiency of spending, and contribute to transparency of the state’s budget. As a digital service, it shortens the time between procurement planning and payment, as well as the time for tenders, and waiting times for suppliers and contractors.
The election calculator is a tool designed to help citizens compare their personal political views to those of political parties and individuals (e.g. legislators or election candidates) to see how well they align, and subsequently, to help cast their vote. The tool consists of two parts: A voting inventory that compares citizens’ answers with real votes in the legislature from a previous election; and An opinion test which matches citizens’ answers to the answers provided by the political parties or candidates.
Oparl is a website interface that offers access to the parliamentary information systems in Germany and is useful for citizens, municipalities, developers and RIS manufacturers. The project aims to create a standard API that allows access to public data currently stored in municipal council information systems thereby promoting the openness of parliamentary systems and public data of the German council.
This application, developed by the municipality of Villanueva de la Serena, provides access to municipal information and makes the data easy to digest. Moreover, the application allows citizens to participate and get in contact with the local administration. Though the app is primarily designed for the current residents, tourists can also make use of the services.
The Flanders local governmental institution releases an application programming interface (API) for government officials to obtain information from other institutes such as public meeting minutes, mandates, and election results. Doing so enables various local government bodies access information in a centralised location, eliminating the need to request information through personal channels.