; ; "2019-07"; "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"; "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/country/MNE"; , , , ; "622 359 inhabitants (2018)"; "6.9%"; "46 (2017)"; "13 812 km²"; "Podgorica"; "Montenegrin"; ; , , . ; "Digital Government Indicators"; ; "http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=isoc_bde15ei&lang=en,http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/tgm/table.do?tab=table&init=1&language=en&pcode=tin00111&plugin=1" . ; , , , ; , , , . . . . . ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . "Law on Electronic Government", "Law on Electronic Administration" . . "Electronic Document Act" . ; "Law on Administrative Procedure" . ; "Regulation" . ; "Regulation on the Mode of Work, Content and Management by the eGovernment Portal" . ; "Regulation" . . "Law on Electronic Identification and Electronic Signature" . ; "Law on Information Security" . ; "Law on Protection of Personal Data" . . "Regulation on Measures of Information Security" . ; "Law on Public Procurement" . . "Law on Services" . ; "Directive on Services Directive 2006/123 / EC" . ; "Law on Health Data Collection" . . "Patient Rights Act" . ; "Suzana Pribilović"; ; . ; . ; "Minister of Public Administration" . ; "+382 20 482 131"; "kabinet@mju.gov.me "; "Source: www.mju.gov.me " . ; "Passport"; ; "http://pasosi.me/", "Ministry of Interior"; "Passports to Montenegrin citizens are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Interior website provides information and offers the possibility to check the status of issuing online. ", "http://www.mup.gov.me/en/ministry?alphabet=lat"; "Passports are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Interior website provides information and offers the possibility to check the status of issuing on this web site: http://pasosi.me/ " . ; "Job search services by labour offices"; ; "Employment office, Human Resources Management Authority"; "http://www.zzzcg.me/; http://www.uzk.gov.me/direktor"; "To facilitate the searches, the Employment Office and Human Resources Management Authority list job vacancies on their websites. Users can access information on available jobs, employers' names, descriptions, dates and expiration of applications, statistics, etc." . ; "List of regulated professions"; ; "The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare"; "http://www.mrs.gov.me/en/ministry"; "The list of regulated professions includes an overview of all regulated professions in Montenegro, competent authorities and regulations governing regulated professions." . ; "Unemployment benefits"; ; "The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare"; "http://www.mrs.gov.me/informacije/socijalnikarton"; "The information system includes all business processes in the centres: case management, social transfers/applications for benefits, processing, approval, monitoring and auditing, calculations, payments, new system of record keeping, improved monitoring and management, reporting, and, last but not least, the system provides real-time data for policy-based evidence-based policies. Furthermore, through the interoperability module, the Centre for Social Work is a one-stop shop where all documents are submitted for determining the acceptability of social benefits and the system generates the so-called eSocial cards (property, social, employment status) of individual / family social profiles." . ; "eTax (legal and natural entities)"; ; "Tax Administration of Montenegro, Ministry of Finance"; "http://www.poreskauprava.gov.me/en/administration?alphabet=lat, http://www.mif.gov.me/ministarstvo, www.eprijava.tax.gov.me "; "The website of the Tax Administrations of the Ministry of Finance allows users to file their corporate taxes online. The service provides the following: filling of electronic forms; input data validation; electronic signature; sending an electronic form; receiving confirmation of receipt; checking the status of sent and received electronic forms." . ; "Car registration (new, used, imported cars)"; ; "Ministry of Interior"; "http://www.mup.gov.me/ministarstvo"; "The web site provides information about car registration." . ; "Driver’s licence"; ; "Ministry of Interior"; "http://www.mup.gov.me/ministarstvo"; "The web site provides information about the documents needed for obtaining a drivers’ licence." . ; "Requesting a residence certificate"; ; "Ministry of the Interior "; "www.dokumenta.me "; "On a specially developed portal, users without authentication can order documents from the register of births, registry of citizens and permanent residence." . ; "Requesting a birth certificate"; ; "Ministry of the Interior"; "www.dokumenta.me", "www.dokumenta.me "; "On a specially developed portal, users without authentication can order documents from the register of births, registry of citizens and permanent residence." . ; "Requesting a citizenship certificate"; ; "Ministry of the Interior"; "www.dokumenta.me"; "On a specially developed portal, users without authentication can order documents from the register of births, registry of citizens and permanent residence." . ; "Requesting a marriage certificate"; ; "Municipality Podgorica"; "http://podgorica.me/e-izvodi/"; "On a specially developed portal, users without authentication can order a marriage certificate" . ; "Registration and checkout of persons residence"; ; "Ministry of the Interior"; "http://www.mup.gov.me/vijesti/135912/MUP-napravio-sistem-za-eletronsko-podnosenje-prijava-i-odjava-boravista-lica.html"; "The Ministry of Internal Affairs has implemented a system for the electronic filing of applications and the removal of the residence of a person. The application is submitted to the Police Directorate. The new system was created by the Ministry of Internal Affairs allows the provider of accommodation via the Internet to submit a registration and check-out of residence for the persons providing accommodation services." . ; "Housing (building and housing, environment)"; ; "Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism"; "http://www.mrt.gov.me/en/ministry?alphabet=lat"; "The information necessary to start the procedure to obtain an environment-related permit is available on the Ministry website." . ; "Reporting corruption to the Police Directorate"; ; "Police Directorate"; "http://www.mup.gov.me/upravapolicije/naslovna, www.euprava.me"; "On the eGovernment Portal users can report crimes with elements of corruption." . ; "Requesting a student loan"; ; "Ministry of Education"; "https://www.euprava.me/en "; "Students of basic and specialist academic and applied studies of higher education institutions, who are new students, can apply for a student loan. On the eGovernment Portal they apply for the loan only through the online service." . ; "MEIS - Montenegrin Education Information System"; ; "Ministry of Education"; "www.meisportal.edu.me"; "The task of the Main Project of MEIS (Montenegrin Education Information System) is to define the necessary resources, concrete methods and technologies for the implementation of a modern IS in education." . ; "Service for parents"; ; "Ministry of Education"; "www.ocjene.edu.me "; "Every parent with a username and password has access to their child’s academic records and can communicate directly with their teacher. " . ; "Teachers’ Portal"; ; "Ministry of Education"; "www.skolskiportal.edu.me "; "The Teachers’ Portal was created to improve the education system." . ; "Training programme for persons with higher education"; ; "Ministry of Education"; "http://www.euprava.me/program-strucno-osposobljavanje"; "People with higher education but who don’t have working experience in specific level of education are eligible to attend trainings. The professional training programme presents continued, programmed and systematic activity for acquiring knowledge, skills and competencies to independently perform tasks and duties. The professional training programme is carried out according to the training programme for a specific area based on specific laws.For this project, the eGovernment Portal implemented an online service which gives the possibility to Graduates, at the very beginning of the application, to make a priority list of employers where they want to do an internship. After a certain period of time, the system pairs the user with the selected employer based on the average grade from the studies." . ; "Information and assistance to researchers"; ; "Ministry of Science"; "http://www.mna.gov.me/ministarstvo, www.euprava.me"; "Through the eGovernment portal, users can apply online for various services such as Issuing a license for carrying out scientific and research activities, applying to the programme HORIZON 2020, etc." . ; "eScheduling"; ; "Ministry of Health"; "https://www.ezdravlje.me/ "; "Online appointments with the chosen physician (paediatrician, physician for adult and gynaecologist)." . ; "eReferral"; ; "Ministry of Health"; "https://www.ezdravlje.me/ "; "Online appointments with specialist doctors." . ; "ePharmacy"; ; "Ministry of Health"; "https://www.ezdravlje.me/ "; "Online drug availability for the public and private pharmacies." . ; "Child allowances"; ; "The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Centres for Social Work"; "http://www.mrs.gov.me/en/ministry, http://www.csrcg.me/index.php/propisi/obrasci-zahtjeva, "; "Online information and forms to download are provided." . ; "ERP"; ; "Customs Administration"; "http://www.upravacarina.gov.me/en/administration?alphabet=lat, http://www.upravacarina.gov.me/erp"; "For the online submission of customs clearance declarations. The Customs Administration has developed web services for the economy and citizens, so that procedures are more efficient and transparent" . ; "Reporting irregularities"; ; "CEZAP"; "http://www.cezap.org/ "; "Users can report irregularities and problems to CEZAP online, by filling out a form." . ; "Report corruption"; ; "Anti-corruption Agency"; "https://www.antikorupcija.me/me/, www.euprava.me"; "Users can report corruption online, by filling out a form through the eGovernment Portal" . ; "Patents, stamps, copyrights"; ; "Ministry of economy "; "http://www.mek.gov.me/en/ministry?alphabet=lat"; "A database of patent, trademarks and industrial designs is available online for search as downloading online forms." . ; "Registering a business"; ; "Tax Administration of Montenegro"; "http://www.poreskauprava.gov.me/uprava"; "Through the eGovernment portal, users can make a request to register their business online." . ; "Submission of data to statistical offices"; ; "Statistical office of Montenegro"; "https://www.monstat.org/cg/, www.euprava.me "; "Download online forms and publications" . ; "Electronic tax return card"; ; "Tax Administration of Montenegro"; "https://eprijava.tax.gov.me/TaxisPortal "; "The website of the Tax Administration of the Ministry of Finance allows users to file corporate taxes online. The service provides the following: filing of electronic forms; input data validation; electronic signature; sending an electronic form; receiving confirmation of receipt; checking the status of sent and received electronic forms." . ; "Tax calculation"; ; "Tax Administration of Montenegro"; "https://eprijava.tax.gov.me/TaxisPortal "; "The website of the Tax Administration of the Ministry of Finance allows users to file corporate taxes online. The service provides the following: filing of electronic forms; input data validation; electronic signature; sending an electronic form; receiving confirmation of receipt; checking the status of sent and received electronic forms." . ; "Request for restitution of pdv"; ; "Tax Administration of Montenegro"; "https://eprijava.tax.gov.me/TaxisPortal "; "The website of the Tax Administration of the Ministry of Finance allows users to file corporate taxes online. The service provides the following: filing of electronic forms; input data validation; electronic signature; sending an electronic form; receiving confirmation of receipt; checking the status of sent and received electronic forms." . ; "Overview of data"; ; "Tax Administration of Montenegro"; "https://eprijava.tax.gov.me/TaxisPortal "; "Overview of the data in the Central Registry of the taxpayer and the insured (CROO)." . ; "Public procurement / eProcurement"; ; "Public Procurement Administration of Montenegro, Ministry of finance"; "http://www.ujn.gov.me/en/, http://portal.ujn.gov.me/delta2015/login.jsp"; "On the web site of Public Procurement Administration users can search for information in public procurement procedures. Ministry of Finance with EU delegation works on new interoperability eProcurement system." . ; "Chemical permits"; ; "Agency for Nature and Environment Protection"; "https://epa.org.me/, www euprava.me "; "Obtainig permits to carry out the activities of the traffic of dangerous chemicals. Download online forms through the eGovernment portal." .