COVID-19 Coronavirus data - daily (up to 14 December 2020)
The dataset contains a daily situation update on COVID-19, the epidemiological curve and the global geographical distribution (EU/EEA and the UK, worldwide). On 12 February 2020, the...
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Flash Eurobarometer 160: L'esprit d'entreprise
The development of entrepreneurship in European Union Member States, and compare European opinions with those of non-European countries, especially the United States. The results by...
Provisional data ZIP (901 views) (794 Downloads)
Flash Eurobarometer 283: Entrepreneurship in the EU and beyond - A survey in the EU, EFTA countries, Croatia, Turkey, the US, Japan, South Korea and China
The European Commission’s Directorate-General “Enterprise and Industry” has been studying, for the past 10 years, the development of entrepreneurship in EU Member States, and has compared...
Provisional data ZIP (3928 views) (4 Downloads)