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European data
Официалният портал за европейски данни
910 открити резултати
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  • Наука и технологии
JIG is a business group that provides advanced services around ICT, divided into three business areas perfectly integrated with each other: Service Management, Internet and Mobile. JIG develops software applications in various fields: smart cities, big data, Fiware-based IoT systems for industry and transport, access control systems, and incident management platforms.
  • Транспорт
Midttrafik live is an application developed by the national transport company Midttrafik that provides traffic information across Denmark. The application enables user to find information for their itinerary and promotes the use of public transport services as a more sustainable alternative to driving a car.
  • Околна среда
OpenTrees.org combines urban tree datasets from over 150 cities across the globe and is the largest database of municipal street and park trees. The data is provided by local governments and helps them guide choices of what to plant next, manage risk of branches falling, and manage pruning, watering and inspection schedules.
  • Здравеопазване
Terraincure is a Lithuanian initiative that maps out hiking routes, suited for patients recovering from COVID-19, in clean environments worldwide. Around 30% of recovered COVID-19 patients are subsequently diagnosed with respiratory disorders and 10% with circulatory disorders, and other 10% of asymptomatic patients experience long-term effects. By walking on rough terrain with gradual increases in distance and elevation, ideally in an environment unaffected by pollution, the circulatory and respiratory system can be rehabilitated and strengthened.
  • Наука и технологии
Xatkit is a generic and extensible platform for the creation of digital assistants. Through a conversational interface generated by Xatkit, citizens can "talk" with open data through the chatbot, making inquiries just as they were talking to an expert on the subject. It is aimed at public administrations interested in publishing and facilitating citizens' access to their public data, and organizations interested in facilitating the marketing of their data. Xatkit provides the interface that allows data access.
Европейското статистическо табло за възстановяването съдържа интерактивен визуален инструмент, свързан с базата данни на Евростат. Всеки показател може да бъде проучен с помощта на интерактивна графика, като са възможни и сравнения между държавите и във времето. Данните могат да бъдат изтеглени и използвани отново. Таблото ще се актуализира ежемесечно с нови данни и всяка актуализация ще съдържа коментар, описващ икономическото и социалното положение през последния наблюдаван период. Предвидени са и нови показатели.
  • Население и общество
The International Data & Economic Analysis (IDEA) is an online database providing access to country-level data across the globe. Created by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and initially set up to support the staff and associates of USAID find data from external sources, the IDEA database now provides access to over 10 000 data series and is categorised along the themes: people government, official development assistance, economy, education, and health.
  • Околна среда
Vides SOS is an platform designed to alert the State Environmental Service of environmental hazards such as pollution, waste and litter in nature. Environmental infringements of the air (odours, dust, smoke, and radiation); the water (activities of edge fishing, presence of chemicals, dead animals, or oil); and the soil (waste, manure, and oil) can be reported. Depending on the case, the State Environmental Service cleans it up or users clean it up themselves and document it in the application.
  • Публичен и частен сектор
Parlameter is an online tool created by a collaboration of volunteers from tech companies, universities, marketing agencies and NGOs. The tool aims to create transparency as it allows organisations to analyse votes and transcripts of speeches from the National Assembly.
  • Публичен и частен сектор
Statsregnskapet is a website that visualises government spending and budgets on the basis of publicly available government statistics. In doing so, it aims to create transparency in government spending.