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The 2024 Open Data Maturity survey launches this month

ODM is a tool for understanding the state of open data in Europe for policymakers and citizens

This month marks the launch of the 2024 Open Data Maturity (ODM) survey, in which countries from across Europe report on the latest developments in open data. Information for the report is collected directly from open data representatives in the participating countries to gather insights about the behind-the-scenes efforts that power the portals and datasets we can all see and use. 

The outcome of this exercise is both a quantitative benchmarking of open data maturity and a compendium of success stories, best practices, and challenges that countries can reference in their efforts to continuously improve in this field. The report is also a summary of the state-of-play of open data across Europe for all interested stakeholders. 

In a sense, the maturity assessment provides respondents with a comprehensive checklist of processes, standards, and activities across several themes that should be in place to achieve a mature open data ecosystem. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the ODM exercise and to retain its currency and fitness, the survey underwent a periodic update to include the latest developments in policy and technology. Nonetheless, its overall structure remains consistent to allow a year-on-year comparison of progress. 

In the coming weeks, a Q&A webinar is planned to explain the questionnaire and process to the nominated survey respondents. The survey will then be open for just over a month. After this, the data will be validated in consultation with the participating countries. Finally, the data will be analysed and summarised in the Open Data Maturity report, which will be published in December. In the meantime, catch up on the latest trends in open data by reading the 2023 ODM report, and stay tuned to data.europa.eu for the latest content in the lead-up to the 2024 ODM report’s publication. 

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