Recommended contract terms for data sharing |
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Recommended contract terms for data sharing

Recap on the Data Talks webinar with Hans Graux from Timelex

On 27 January, Hans Graux from Timelex joined the European Data Portal (EDP) and the Support Centre for Data Sharing (SCDS) team for a Data Talks session discussing contract terms for data sharing. Timelex is a law firm specialised in IT infrastructures and operates as the legal expert for the EDP and SCDS.

During the talk, Hans discusses why model contract terms are needed and how they are relevant to Europe’s ambition for European Data Spaces. He mentioned that data sharing needs to be encouraged to ensure an optimal development of the European market. To make sure that the exchange of data is legally sound, templates for contract terms are extremely useful. Contract terms typically deal with several categories of issues, including:

  • The scoping of the data;
  • The modalities of sharing;
  • Restrictions of use;
  • Dissemination of data;
  • Remuneration and consideration;
  • Liability issues; and
  • Termination conditions and consequences.

This Data Talks session is a sneak peek to an upcoming publication, titled “Report on the development of a set of recommended contract terms”, to be published shortly on the Support Centre for Data Sharing. Through a number of examples in agriculture, smart mobility, energy, financial services, the green deal, and industrial manufacturing, this report acts as a repository of recommended practices and identifies ways to handle data sharing problems from a contractual perspective.

Have a look at the recording here and stay tuned for the release of the report.

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