Sign up for the data.europa academy webinar ‘Geospatial trends 2023: Opportunities for’
Join our webinar to explore the opportunities of accessing open geospatial data sources through
On Friday, 8 September from 10.00 to 11.30, the data.europa academy is hosting a webinar on ‘Geospatial Trends 2023: Opportunities for from emerging trends in the geospatial community’. Geospatial data contains information on properties or conditions tied to specific locations on Earth. Looking at the geospatial context – the “where” – of a phenomenon often reveals interesting correlations or revelations. It is an important feature of to facilitate the discovery and access to open geospatial data sources. As we continue developing, we strive to identify technological trends, i.e., recognizable tendencies or directions of development that might be worth further exploration.
This webinar focusses on the emerging trends within the geospatial community. During the session, participants will have the chance to engage in a discussion about the trends, standards or ideas in geospatial data that could be relevant for The webinar starts with a brainstorming session on current geospatial trends, followed by a deep dive into Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI). Last year, a similar webinar highlighted the geospatial trends of 2022 and Geospatial Artificial Intelligence emerged as a frequently mentioned topic. Therefore, it has been chosen as an important point for this year's session.
Throughout the session, participants will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive manner and gain a better understanding of the potential opportunities arising from this trend, the benefits for and how they can contribute to the use of GeoAI. Following the webinar, a short report with key insights will be published, in line with last year’s report.
Would you like to be part of the discussion on geospatial trends in 2023? Click here to register for the webinar.
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