Spare time during the holidays |
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Spare time during the holidays

Catch up on Open Data with the webinar recording

You could not make it to the webinar "Open Data, a popular buzzword or an essential resource?" but don't want to miss out on what was discussed? Watch the recorded video! On 30 November, the first of a series of webinars organised by the European Data Portal took place. In this webinar, the team behind the European Data Portal gave a general presentation on Open Data and the portal. Within the 40 minutes webinar, Wendy Carrara gives a clear overview of the concept of Open Data: what it is, why it matters and how it can be used. Following this, Wander Engbers presents the main functionalities of the European Data Portal via a live demo. The webinar concludes with the discussion of several questions posed by the participants. The full webinar can be seen in the video shown below.

The webinar is a first in a series through which the European Data Portal will explore Open Data. During these webinars, the team will go in-depth on the re-use of Open Data in particular sectors to discuss the challenges of working with Open Data. These webinars will be announced in the Latest News section and social media channels so stay tuned not to miss out on the next one!

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