Sweden continues Open Data efforts | data.europa.eu
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Sweden continues Open Data efforts

Establishing a list of PSI and datasets for re-use

The Swedish National Archives continue their efforts for publishing data from Swedish state authorities. The National Archives in Sweden have been assigned by the government to help state authorities to create access to digital information and stimulate the re-use of Open Data. According to the assignment, the National Archives will collect and publish lists about the available Public Sector Information (PSI) from government authorities. They also aim at establishing the publication of Open Data according to common guidelines and are responsible for coordinating the national Open Data Portal.

The National Archives laid the foundations for a more efficient publication of PSI lists and Open Data, early 2017. The next step involves adapting the specifications to enable a coordinated publication of PSI-lists and data for re-use, as this is not yet established in Sweden.

In a September 2017 report from the National Archives to the government, a long-term responsibility was proposed for the coordination of government agencies' efforts to make data available for re-use. Moreover, extended ambitions were set for the national Open Data Portal oppnadata.se, including the PSI list and Open Data guidance. The National Archives is currently working on providing guidance on how to publish PSI lists and datasets for re-use. This work is expected to be completed during the second half of 2018. More information can be found on the Open Data website of the responsible National Archives of Sweden.

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