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The official portal for European data

Use cases

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  • Population & Society


The International Data & Economic Analysis (IDEA) is an online database providing access to country-level data across the globe. Created by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and initially set up to support the staff and associates of USAID find data from external sources, the IDEA database now provides access to over 10 000 data series and is categorised along the themes: people government, official development assistance, economy, education, and health.
  • Education, Culture & Sport


Haridussilm, i.e., the Estonian Education Statistics Portal, provides data of primary, general, secondary, vocational and higher education, and monitors various indicators such as, success of lifelong learning or labour market statistics. The website provides a useful tool for education representatives and policy makers to keep track of their education strategy goals and quantify their progress towards those goals.
  • Population & Society


DataFrance is an open data visualization platform. Thanks to an interactive map and more than 36,000 files dedicated to each municipality, their platform allows consultation, comparison and analysis of data throughout France. For each municipality, they provide more than sixty indicators on various themes, such as population, real estate, education, transport, or environment.
  • Population & Society


The Migration Information Center provides housing, education, health, and social services for immigrants to help them feel protected, safe, and informed. The application is designed for asylum seekers, refugees, international protection beneficiaries, third country nationals, domestic workers, students, and resettled refugees.
  • Population & Society

Tree of TruthPDF

The Tree of Truth is a dashboard showing Estonia’s progress towards national strategic goals on the basis of national statistics. The website provides information on topics such as security and defense, foreign policy, law, agriculture, energy, transport, culture and sports, education, research and development, welfare, health, and environment. These topics are organised along tree-branches, hence the website’s name.
  • Education, Culture & Sport


QEdu is a website created for those that use, work in or make policy decision about education. Its aim is to make educational data accessible and easy to digest for everyone. The website later inspired various research studies, for example the "Excelência com Equidade" study conducted by the Lemann Foundation and Itaú BBA Bank that investigated public schools hosting students of low socioeconomic status. The results led to 215 successful case studies bringing forward students of low socioeconomic status that obtained results with distinction.
  • Education, Culture & Sport


TuvaLabs is a platform for people looking to improve their data analytical skills and their data literacy. TuvaLabs collaborates closely with teachers, schools, curriculum publishers and assessment organisations to enable teaching, learning and assessment of data literacy for students in primary and secondary education. Through the platform students can learn by doing and are given the opportunity to exchange knowledge with peers.
  • Education, Culture & Sport

UNESCO Education DashboardPDF

UNESCO created a dashboard that visualised the global impact of school closures as response to COVID-19.
  • Education, Culture & Sport


At AflaMD information and ratings on educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova are published. This includes data, such as ratings, statistics, budgets, locations, and contact information. Additionally, questions can be submitted online and answers are provided by the ministry.

  • Education, Culture & Sport


Course Match helps students explore their educational options, and helps Universities, Colleges & brands market to these students.