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European data
The official portal for European data
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  • Education, Culture & Sport
Haridussilm, i.e., the Estonian Education Statistics Portal, provides data of primary, general, secondary, vocational and higher education, and monitors various indicators such as, success of lifelong learning or labour market statistics. The website provides a useful tool for education representatives and policy makers to keep track of their education strategy goals and quantify their progress towards those goals.
  • Economy & Finance
The Estonian Heatmap shows an overview of various economic and financial trends in terms of average wage, capacity utilisation, core inflation, economic sentiment, employment rate, unemployment rate, vacancies and demand limiting in construction, industry, or services. The map and the source data presents statistics from 2005 onwards.
  • Health
This website shows a map with the locations of general, hospital, and veterinary pharmacies in Estonia. Following the 2020 pharmacy reform, many pharmacies in Estonia had to close down and access to medicine became more restricted. This application provides an apt solution to this limitation.
  • Government & Public Sector
This application, developed by the municipality of Villanueva de la Serena, provides access to municipal information and makes the data easy to digest. Moreover, the application allows citizens to participate and get in contact with the local administration. Though the app is primarily designed for the current residents, tourists can also make use of the services.
  • Environment
Planttes is a mapping application that monitors the presence of allergenics plants and gives a risk indication of the severity of the allergic reaction. It aims to improve users’ understanding of the environmental factors that cause allergies and improve the quality of life of the people suffering from them. To this end, users’ can contribute to the application by updating the phenological state (closed flower, open flower and/or fruit) of the plants to ensure that information is up-to-date and accurate.
  • Economy & Finance
La Bonne Boite is a website for job applicants to get in touch with companies that are regularly, or currently, recruiting. In doing so, the website aims to tackle unemployment and provide access to information that job seekers typically do not have, but are in the hands of the recruiting firms.
  • Environment
OpeNoise is an application for mobile devices measuring real-time noise levels. The application provides current statistics and visualises the data through a variety of charts. Beyond the measurement of the sound level (dB), OpeNoise also records and visualises the sound’s frequency composition.
  • Environment
The GeoPortal is a platform that provides various maps that show geographical data relevant to citizens and tourists. This includes maps of hunting routes, cultural heritage sites, nature conservation areas, sports and recreation locations, bicycle routes, motorways, water ways, etc. The portal also provides information related to environmental indicators such as noise, pollution, and soil and agriculture maps.
  • Health
Kläder efter väder (Clothes after weather) is a mobile application that visualises what types of clothing are best to wear in the current weather. The application is designed for people with cognitive disabilities as they encounter difficulties is dressing appropriately for the forecast.
  • Health
Open Data Watch is an international, non-profit organization working at the intersection of open data and official statistics. Our work supports the implementation of change in the production and management of official statistical data.