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Use cases

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  • Transport


The automated minibus project is one of the first projects of its kind and is aimed at testing the effective use of automated public transport.
  • Education, Culture & Sport

Street Art trailPDF

Users can explore street art in the City of Brussels with a provided map with information on artists.
  • Economy & Finance


Yapily uses openly accessible APIs to use open banking data to improve customer experience and marketing plans.

Open TED: easier access to public procurement in Europe

Every week, many business opportunities in the EU are published online.TED ( Tenders Electronic Daily), the online version of the 'Supplement to the Official Journal' of the EU, is a gold mine of potentially interesting opportunities for business in Europe. Fabio Disconzi, who already worked on data visualisation for the research and innovation programmes, has re-worked some of the TED open data to present them in a more user-friendly way.The project, called Open-TED, is available in Italian and English.

Urban waste water information – a website for all of Europe

What are the environmental challenges for the collection and the treatment of urban waste water? How are EU Member States dealing with it? The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) dissemination platform provides detailed information about urban waste water areas, collection systems, treatment plants, discharge points, and environmentally sensitive areas. The platform allows you to create statistics, select and download data, display different layers, access the national urban waste water websites, or just get an overview of urban waste water regulation at EU and national level. The

Urban waste water information – a website for all of Europe

What are the environmental challenges for the collection and the treatment of urban waste water? How are EU Member States dealing with it? The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) dissemination platform provides detailed information about urban waste water areas, collection systems, treatment plants, discharge points, and environmentally sensitive areas. The platform allows you to create statistics, select and download data, display different layers, access the national urban waste water websites, or just get an overview of urban waste water regulation at EU and national level. The

Quote Finder

Which words are trending in EU affairs? What do MEPs tweet about? Quote Finder – an app produced by the European Data Journalism Network – helps you answer these and similar questions, and gives you different takes on EU affairs. You can use the tool to explore and filter MEPs’ tweets and create word clouds of their most frequently used phrases. You can filter content based on: keywords hashtags political affiliation language of the tweet Quote Finder also has a function you can use to explore texts published by EU institutions, such as press releases. You can then choose from various display
  • Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry & Foods

Ex MachinaPDF

Ex Machina is a company that provides weather and environmental hyper-local data for weather sensitive industries. The company aims to enable companies, organisations and public bodies to generate actionable insights for improving operations and safeguarding citizen's and environmental well-being.

  • Transport


The MagicMirror is an interactive screen display positioned in several stations for public transport in mainly Austria and Switzerland. The design of the mirror taps into the selfie-craze. The screen is personalised and portrays your journey, the weather and relevant traffic upholds. Many users on social media share selfies and posts with the MagicMirror.

  • Health


Vektis organises data of insurance expense reports and does independent research for parties in healthcare. Vektis delivers service and products mainly to insurers in healthcare, healthcare providers, (local) governments and software deliverers. Vektis publishes reports on healthcare related topics, such as waiting times and numbers of healthcare workers per postal code area.