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  • Environment


Promotes easy access to current and historic water levels.

  • Environment


Provides transparency about current air quality and smog in Poland.

  • Government & Public Sector

Tender NotificationPDF

Tender information is gathered, easily accessible in one place.

  • Transport


GetThere provides a multimodal transportation platform for Ireland, including rail, public and private busses, as well as lift sharing.

  • Transport


Provides information about defective elevators, which is especially vital for disabled citizens using public transport in Vienna.

  • Government & Public Sector

Folk på tingetPDF

Provides transparency on the work of parliamentary representatives.

MEPranking is a web app that shows you how hard members of the European Parliament are working for you. You can browse the site to see where each MEP ranks within their political group, country or parliamentary committee. For a different view, the ‘MEP by MEP’ search box will take you to an MEP’s profile page. This page gives a detailed rundown of their parliamentary activities, plus a full and printable weekly activity report with easily readable charts. The site is updated weekly with live European Parliament data on all activities that MEPs carry out: the debates and votes they attend


Looking for a new job? Thinking about moving to another EU country? PengEUn is a web app released in November 2017 that can help you to benefit from the freedom to find work in another EU country. You can compare your skills to different professional categories to see if they match and better understand the skills and experience that are needed for specific careers in Europe.Watch out for new features in the PengEUn app! The app was selected for EU Datathon 2017. It is available in English.