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The official portal for European data

Use cases

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  • Economy & Finance


Web application that collects data from AEMET (State Meteorological Agency, Agencia Estatal de Meteorología in Spanish) to provide real-time information about the weather that will be in a specific place.


Unigraph is a large, open knowledge graph that combines information from knowledge bases such as Wikidata and Freebase with information published by the European Union and national authorities such as the UK's Companies House and US Securities and Exchange Commission. The list of its sources is constantly growing. The unified data can be downloaded free of charge, for anyone to explore. Unigraph, which took 3rd place in the EU Datathon 2017, offers a powerful API stack with many options for querying and extracting information, including real-time data streaming. This API provides the easiest


OpEnergy gives you a graphical tool to more easily track the EU energy market to spot trends and developments in the EU-28 national systems. It provides an interactive map to help you easily move from one country to another and navigate through different categories and indicators. Technology, industrial development and population growth have increased global demand for energy. In response, to these challenges, the EU has set specific goals for 2020 to ensure: - security of energy supply and sustainable consumption and- competitive markets. This app aims to help companies and investors better

Food Pyramid

Which Europeans drink the most water? Who eats more fruit - teenagers, or their grandparents? Which EU country has more healthy eaters? You’ll find all these answers, and more, in the Food Pyramid app. The app looks at 6 categories of food and drink (according to the Belgian Food Pyramid - in Dutch) to see how popular they are among 9 different population groups in each country - revealing some interesting facts about our eating (and drinking) habits in the EU. Thanks to the Food Pyramid we can see just how much of our favourite food and drink is good for us and how much is less healthy. One

MEPvote is a user-friendly app that lets you see how individual Members vote in the European Parliament and why they vote in a particular way. After each vote is held, Members explain the reasons for their choice in writing. Not only does MEPvote collate all available voting data back to 2009, but it also shows MEPs' explanations for their votes. There are 4 options in the main menu: ALL VOTES - final vote result, vote parameters and all voting results by political group and country VOTE BY STATE - votes of individual MEPs from a particular country VOTE BY GROUP - votes of individual MEPs


What do the EU institutions purchase through the public procurement system, what are their buying preferences, and what are their contracts over time? What do they buy under particular contracts, and what suppliers do they use? What opportunities are already online, and what opportunities can we expect in the future? The C4P Platform – winner of the EU Datathon 2017 - answers these questions and more. It will familiarise you with the EU market in a few clicks, providing a comprehensive overview of that market and a detailed analysis of buyers, suppliers, service areas and individual
  • Population & Society


This website displays both historic and present pictures from Estonia and thereby shows how places have changed over time

  • Environment


This website predicts sun hours and gives recommendations on whether solar cells are a financially attractive option

  • Regions & Cities


This website sells parking tickets and licences for the Copenhagen area

  • Environment

Know about your wastePDF

This website visualises waste volumes at recycling stations in Aarhus