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Use cases

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IPCHEM - the information platform for chemical monitoring

IPCHEM (Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring) is the European Commission’s platform for searching, accessing and retrieving data and metadata on chemical monitoring. Data are measured in various media (the environment, food and feed, human beings, consumer products and indoor air). They are collected and owned by Commission departments, European agencies, national authorities and national and EU-funded research projects. The platform is designed to help policymakers and scientists: identify areas where people and the environment are exposed to high levels of chemical pollution detect
  • Economy & Finance


Inspirient offers a novel way to derive insight from business data. The system automatically analyses the datasets and presents users with a selection of derived insights in form of understandable visuals.

  • Economy & Finance


Idalab is data science consultancy uses advanced analytics customised AI algorithms and mathematical models to build powerful data tools, that help businesses develop more comprehensive strategies.

  • Government & Public Sector

Local Government InformPDF

LG Inform strengthens the knowledge position of local government.

  • Regions & Cities


Get The Data structure Open Data in the United Kingdom by location in order to aid dataset discovery and signpost the source.

  • Environment


GECOsistema is a specialist company providing advanced consulting/engineering and modeling services in the fields of water, energy, climate change and natural hazard management

  • Economy & Finance


The OpenSpending platform allows you to search, visualise and analyse fiscal data in the public sphere

  • Health


Medicatio seeks to publish data on all available drugs in France

  • Justice, Legal System & Public Safety

Hackuj hazardPDF

An interactive map showing the percentage of people being prosecuted for gambling violations, depending on municipality regulations and gambling allowance

  • Population & Society

Young EuropeansPDF

This Eurostat tool enables people aged 16-29 to compare themselves with other young men and women in their country