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European data
The official portal for European data

Use cases

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  • Science & Technology


CZ.NIC aims to encourage the development of Open Data in the user's measurement of high-speed Internet

  • Health


ENVI4ALL is an application that provides information on air pollution levels for a specific location

  • Energy


Eandis encourages the development of products and services in the energy field

  • Government & Public Sector


Postbuzz makes it possible to instantly see what is of interest around your home in the city of Ghent

  • Health


HybridStat helps clinical biologists to reach conclusions about patients' genetic diseases

  • Science & Technology


Lucy helps dog owners to find their missing dog

  • Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry & Foods

Pesticide FinderPDF

Open Pesticide Finder is a support tool for agricultural companies and farmers

  • Education, Culture & Sport


CultureClic provides geolocated works, access to French museum data sheets, and information on cultural events

  • Government & Public Sector

Ik haat GentPDF

Ik haat Gent is designed to avoid places in Ghent with things you dislike

LEWIK - Lexical world of information and knowledge

Want to skim through CETA, the new EU-Canada trade agreement? Curious about the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union? All EU treaties and legislation can be found in EUR-LEX. However, lengthy PDFs can be hard to handle, especially if you’re not familiar with a document’s structure. LEWIK contains some key EU documents, plus many others - both national and international. You can consult them in an expandable tree format. Another option is semantic search (based on the Web 3.0 W3C SKOS standard). Available in Slovak and English, LEWIK gives you access to growing numbers of documents