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The official portal for European data

Use cases

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OPEN H2020 Observatory: the H2020 programme in clear and simple facts and figures

The open-H2020 observatory is the simple way to browse projects developed with funding from the Horizon 2020 programme (H2020), the EU’s biggest ever research and innovation programme with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). Open-H2020 observatory is based on open data. Through an interactive map you can view projects, get a general idea of their subject matter and see partnerships and geographical distribution. You can also see how EU funding was divided between partners, when the project began, when it finished and much more. Data are updated monthly.

EU’s legislative train schedule – check your train!

The Legislative Train Schedule guides you through the twists and turns of European legislation. The application allows you to follow the progress of a number of legislative files during President Juncker’s five-year-term, from 2014 to 2019. It uses railways, trains, and carriages as metaphors. The journey starts when a piece of legislation arrives at the Parliament. Clicking on a carriage reveals all the details of a proposal, such as the priority it is linked to and the MEP responsible for steering it through Parliament. It's also possible to see which proposals are blocked and where.

EU’s legislative train schedule – check your train!

The Legislative Train Schedule guides you through the twists and turns of European legislation. The application allows you to follow the progress of a number of legislative files during President Juncker’s five-year-term, from 2014 to 2019. It uses railways, trains, and carriages as metaphors. The journey starts when a piece of legislation arrives at the Parliament. Clicking on a carriage reveals all the details of a proposal, such as the priority it is linked to and the MEP responsible for steering it through Parliament. It's also possible to see which proposals are blocked and where.

  • Health


Xpressomics is a Google-like search engine for genetic data

  • Health


DeepSleep offers a sleep sensor that monitors a child with high precision

  • Regions & Cities


DigMap solution enables easy and standardised way to disseminate spatial and non-spatial data

  • Transport


CITIUS is a crowdsourcing solution for building smart transportation services

  • Population & Society


The BucketList community caters to people's dreams and aspirations

  • Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry & Foods


AgriOpenData helps farmers to improve their herbicides and fertilizers treatments