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Use cases

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  • Justice, Legal System & Public Safety


Showcased company making it easy to find relevant case law

Politix EU

What is the EU doing for you? Politix EU answers the question and shows how the policies passed by the EU institutions shape our everyday lives, even though we might not see it. It describes in plain and simple language proposed EU laws, giving their background info and the key interest groups involved. It also provides a detailed list of lobbyists, a blog and a newsletter. From roaming charges to food labelling for meat products and free movement of people across member states — what the EU legislates is everywhere if you look closer. The project is part of Advocate Europe (an annual idea

  • Transport


Fstr helps people share their ride by matching commuters

  • Population & Society


Geomatic combines and analyses multiple data source for operational access to knowledge

  • Government & Public Sector

OpenData: ElectionsPDF

OpenData: Elections visualises electoral patterns at the municipality level

  • Regions & Cities


Wohnungsrechner calculates the most attractive residential communities

  • Government & Public Sector


Kigafinder helps to find kindergartens in Vienna

  • Government & Public Sector

WC FinderPDF

WC Finder helps to find the nearest public toilet

  • Transport


ParkenDD helps to find a free parking spot

European Alternative Fuels Observatory

The European Alternative Fuels Observatory (EAFO) provides statistics on alternative fuels and information to help encourage the development of alternative fuels in Europe. The idea aim is to tackle our over-dependence on oil and help the environment. The site, which is still being developed, covers electricity, hydrogen, natural gas but biofuels and LPG will be added soon. EAFO quality checks all the data to ensure it’s reliable. EAFO data is used regularly for research and analysis in order to make recommendations to policymakers and stakeholders. Want to find out more, or to submit data to