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Use cases

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  • Environment


LevelAlarm is a high and low water warning application

If we understand how governments spend public money, we can have a say in how that money is used. OpenSpending is the tool that can help us to do that. It is an open resource for people and groups who wish to track and analyse public financial information (budgets, spending, balance sheets, procurement etc.). To help you do this more easily, OpenSpending comes with a very useful set of tools that provide the understanding – technical, financial, political – needed to work with financial information of this type.

Shedding light on energy in the EU — A guided tour of energy statistics

Energy is essential for our day-to-day life. Turning on our computers or starting our cars are actions that we take for granted, yet they represent the final stage of a complex process, from extraction to final consumption. Statistics can help to make the complex process of energy more understandable. This is the aim of Shedding light on energy in the EU – A guided tour of energy statistics. This new type of digital publication answers the most frequently asked questions on energy in an original and interactive way. Both those not so familiar with the energy sector and experts in the domain

Euro Zone Labour Investment Return

What is therelationship between labour costs and GDP? Are prices in your country rising faster than earnings? Find the answers on this interactive map, and check the consumer price index and labour costs. Although it does not show time series or give a clear indication of the reference period, the map displays some key Eurostat data in a user-friendly format. Euro Zone Labour Investment Return is one of several interactive maps created by CityWellness Atlas (, an open-data service based on Google Maps.

  • Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry & Foods

Saving Food 2.0PDF

Service offers an innovative tool to tackle food waste

  • Energy


Service providing information products for political, administrative, or business processes

  • Government & Public Sector

Flood disaster databasePDF

Service providing geospatial information relating to flood events

  • Education, Culture & Sport

Spinque - Czech Restaurant InspectionsPDF

Service providing information about Czech food establishments and read the statistics about the inspections at their premises.

  • Government & Public Sector

Plant a TreePDF

This application allows citizens to pinpoint the best locations for planting new trees

  • Government & Public Sector

Remarkable TreesPDF

This application helps users to discover trees of exceptional heritage