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European data
The official portal for European data

Use cases

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  • Economy & Finance


Financial data from the government sector is made more transparent and understandable


Do you think legal information and legal compliance are too complicated and expensive? openlaws helps you to stay informed about new legislation and jurisdiction. This platform collects data from different sources and combines them in one system. It also provides a variety of personalized features to increase productivity. As a registered user, you can customize your personal collections, highlight text, write comments, add tags, add folders, receive notifications, collaborate with your colleagues and clients, create groups, share information... Targeting small, medium and large enterprises making the European statistics findable lets you search easily in millions of statistical data from EU and national sources – in 5 languages (English, Spanish, French, German and Italian). To search, simply start typing over the words Search Data and display the datasets you were looking for with your preferred visualisation tool. Currently the main source is Eurostat, followed soon by INE (Spain), INSEE (France) and ISTAT (Italy).

  • Government & Public Sector

London Fire BrigadePDF

With this tool the London Fire Brigade is better placed to know where to focus resources.

  • Government & Public Sector


The website offers everyone to participate and express themselves on parliamentary debates and monitor what activities MPs are involved in

  • Health


Delivers early intervention within minutes of an injury occurring to improve patient outcomes

IATI Studio

IATI Studio is a powerful web-application for creating interactive charts using all the open data published to the IATI Registry. The aim is to support the international aid community by offering a free open data visualisation toolkit that makes it easier for donors, aid organisations, journalists and civil society to see how and where aid money is being spent. It only takes a login, an account or an access via a social network account.
  • Government & Public Sector

Work Catchment MapPDF

Maps and visualises the travel to work of Irish residents

  • Government & Public Sector

Ki Mit TudPDF

A website facilitating and collecting freedom of information requests