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The official portal for European data

Use cases

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  • Health


Application providing information on the location of defibrillators and alerting trained bystanders

  • Energy


Service to analyse and advise on residential energy consumption

  • Health

Diabetes Risk CheckerPDF

Application providing insights on the risks of Diabetes based on the lifestyle of the user

Open Data Impact Map

How is open data used in practice? In which situations do we need to access and process data? The Open Data Impact Map provides answers to these questions by bringing together open data use cases from around the world in a centralised database, created jointly by the global open data community. It draws on previous studies, examples provided by an international network of regional supporters, an online survey, and thorough research. You can use the Map to filter, compare and analyse a wide range of use cases for open data – and download your results in machine-readable formats.

The 'rms4biz' legal compliance management system

Law management and legal compliance are nowadays more than just hollow catchphrases. In many companies they are an integral part of day-to-day business. rms4biz combines a set of modern technologies linked to Open Government Data, and designed to help companies maintain and update their legal compliance management systems. This solution can be offered thanks to the combination of the open-access legislation available, a logically structured database, and other functions with long-term viability. Currently, in addition to legislation from the European Union's EUR-Lex system, rms4biz also draws

  • Health


Mapping the spread of disease.

  • Health

Breathe HeathrowPDF

Measuring the surroundings of Heathrow and find causes when different values are measured.

  • Government & Public Sector

Public GreenPDF

Visualising where green areas are in the city Bologna.

  • Science & Technology

Code for allPDF

Stimulating innovation towards a digital public sector.

  • Transport

Delay ExplorerPDF

Application informing individuals about reliability of trains.