Check-the-Facts |
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Recap on the Data Talks webinar with Jasmin Kareem (Statistics Netherlands) and Eva van Rooijen (KOOP)

On Wednesday 7 April, Jasmin Kareem (Statistics Netherlands) and Eva van Rooijen (Knowledge Centre for Government Publications) joined the EDP and Support Centre for Data Sharing (SCDS) team for a discussion on Check-the-Facts Higher Education, a decision-making tool for students.

Check-the-Facts Higher Education provides high school students with an intuitive platform to access information that can help them decide which future studies to pursue. In doing so, the platform combines data from Statistics Netherlands as well as the Education Executive Agency (DUO). Though the tool is primarily designed for students, it can also be used by policy-makers who are interested in the analytics aspect of the tool to help guide decision-making as well.

The project is in the process of releasing an update that will offer an additional service called “Doorstroommatrix”. This will help students check which prerequisites or prior education they need for a given programme. The project currently only provides information for Dutch students; however, this tool can be extended to include other European countries in the future.

Curious to learn more? Listen to the recording of the session

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