The energy statistical country datasheets have been updated!
Check out the energy balance figures for all 27 EU member states
On 7 June, the energy statistical country datasheets have been updated for the second and last time this year. These figures, which cover all EU member states, are reviewed bi-annually by the European Commission to present the state of energy balances, electricity and heat generation, main energy indicators, cogeneration, transport fuels and greenhouse gases emissions in Europe.
The format allows to compare long-term time-series on energy statistics across EU countries. In fact, besides the general overview on the EU 27, energy statistics are reported for each Member State from 1990 until today.
The biannual energy statistical country datasheets are closely related to the 'EU energy in figures statistical pocketbook', a yearly publication providing an annual summary of energy-related data (e.g., data on production, consumption, greenhouse gas emission etc.) in the EU overall and in individual EU countries.
The EU Publications website reports all the energy statistical pocketbooks since 2012.
Find out more about energy data on the EU energy statistical pocketbook and country datasheets website of the European Commission and explore related datasets on!
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