Outcome of the "Open Data Hackathon 2018" in Riga, Latvia | data.europa.eu
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Outcome of the "Open Data Hackathon 2018" in Riga, Latvia

CareQueue is the winner of Open Data Hackathon 2018

On 28 and 29 September, Latvian State Radio and Television Tower hosted the Open Data Hackathon 2018 - an Open Data Software Development Marathon. The Hackathon consisted of 75 participants grouped into 11 teams that worked on innovative ideas based on the usage of Open Data in four sectors: transport, culture, regions, and tourism.

The participants were mentored by nationally and globally recognised experts on Open Data to produce applications. Multiple apps were created and developed during the hackathon by using Open Data from the Latvian Open Data Portal and data sets prepared for the event by supporters.

The CareQueue team won the main prize of 1000 euros from Tieto Latvia with their app to help parents find kindergarten spaces in Riga for their children. The aim of the app is to help users process application documents, provide information about kindergartens, and show availability of nannies near family homes or workplaces. Essentially, this application will help children in the Riga area find kindergartens without a long-waiting list, and can be used in countries such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden where people are also facing problems with kindergarten availability.

Other notable applications are, for example, interactive apps featuring tour guide lists and objects at unique points-of-interest in four languages, an app that helps users find affordable housing and bank financing and an app that advises on how to avoid old-age poverty. Find more information about the final presentations.

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