Save the date for the next Future of Open Data Portals webinar episode |
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Save the date for the next Future of Open Data Portals webinar episode

Experiences and thoughts on how to proceed from monitoring and analysing Open Data Portals

On Tuesday 12 January at 17:00 CET, the European Data Portal (EDP) team will host the next webinar episode in the Future of Open Data Portals series titled “From Open Data Portals to Open Data-Ecosystems: Experiences and thoughts on how to proceed from monitoring analysing open data portals ”. In this session, Axel Polleres will join us to discuss his experiences and thoughts on monitoring and analysing Open Data Portals.

Axel Polleres heads the Institute of Information Business of Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) as a full professor in the field of Data and Knowledge Engineering. He also works as a visiting professor at Stanford University and is a member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna Faculty. Axel has led several projects focused on open data, including: ADEQUATe, analytics & data enrichment to improve the quality of open data, and The Open Data Portal Watch framework, a scalable quality assessment and evolution monitoring framework for open data (web) portals. During the webinar, Axel will discuss these projects and provide insights from this experience as to how we can move from Open Data Portals to Open Data Ecosystems. Save the date and join us there.

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