Swiss geospatial data now available as linked data |
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Swiss geospatial data now available as linked data

Switzerland embraces linked data

The Swiss geoportal has started to publish geospatial data as linked data. This geoportal is harvested by the national Swiss Open Data portal, which is in turn harvested by the European Data Portal. With this development, more context is provided to the geospatial datasets, and data can be found and re-used more easily.

Linked Data uses tuples to connect data that have a relationship with each other. The data are identified, shared and linked via their Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is used to encode and link the data. Linked data can be queried via SPARQL, which is the query language for RDF.

The SPARQL endpoint of the Swiss Federal Spatial Data Infrastructure can be accessed via this link. The linked data interface is available here.

Would you like to know more about the Linked Data service of the Swiss geoportal? Further explanations and technical details can be found here.

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