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European data
Euroopa andmete ametlik portaal

Open Data licensing

Session Overview: This session looks at how open licences are there to protect data publishers, while also unlocking value. We show how to build a machine readable open licence that can be applied to any online content.

Session number: 4

Expected participants: Relevant to all, special relevance to data publishers

Type: Training

Length: 1.5 hours

Exercises: Yes

Web based exercises: No

What to bring: Slides, Flipchart, Paper & Pens


Session Flow:

  1. Purpose of a licence - The facilitator should take participants through the purpose of a licence. The facilitator should explore the role of copyright in created works and also the place of database rights in collections in Europe and other countries such as Mexico.
  2. Exploration of common licences - The facilitator should lead participants in a discussion of common licence types including the Creative Commons licence family, Open Government Licence in the UK and any other examples from the local context. Key points to highlight include the simplicity of a licence, the visibility of the licence on the dataset and how the conditions preserve access, use and sharing.
  3. Identifying open licences - The participants should find and examine a pre-prepared set of licences from the facilitator (examples in the resources below). Once they have accessed each licence they should decide whether it is open and if so why? Participants should give feedback in a group discussion.




Companion eLearning Modules:

When running this session, we recommend that participants complete the following eLearning module before attending:

Why do we need to license?

Completion of the module will help your learners develop a shared understanding of the material before the course and allow you to focus in greater depth on those topics of most interest to the trainees.

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