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´Data matters, it’s now or never!’

Join the annual Data Week in the Netherlands


Join the 5th annual Data Week NL from 27 June until 2 July in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. Under the slogan ‘Data matters, it’s now or never!’, the event focuses on the importance of data literacy, the value of (open) data and the data economy. The event embraces the influence of these global topics in a national and local context with various practical examples and testimonials.

Just as data itself, the event will be an exciting happening. While the topics range from data-economy on Tuesday, smart cities and data on Wednesday, transparency of data on Thursday, to societal influence on Friday and Saturday, the full length of the week will be dedicated to data in the city. The whole of ‘s-Hertogenbosch will be filled with art, routes, expositions, and installations related to data! This to inspire and bridge the gap between data scientists, civil servants, and citizens within the urban playing ground.

Curious to learn more about Data Week NL 2022? Visit the dedicated website. Here you will gain more insight into the topics, partners and events taking place in ‘s-Hertogenbosch from 27 June onwards!


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