The European Data Portal will be speaking at the Language Technology Industry Summit |
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Le portail officiel des données européennes

The European Data Portal will be speaking at the Language Technology Industry Summit

Conference to take place 9-11 October

The data economy is a fundamental component of our globalised world and a pillar of Europe's Digital Single Market. As more and more datasets are made available, more barriers arise that may come to limit their re-use and thereby their value. Multilingualism is a key feature in enhancing the discoverability of data. The European Data Portal offers access to over 750,000 datasets spread across 30+ countries. It uses Automated Translation (eTranslation services) to translate information about each data set from the original to all other 23 EU languages.

From 9 to 11 October, the Language Technology (LT) Industry Summit will take place in Brussels. The LT Industry Summit is the yearly point of convergence between the Language Technology Industry, its clients, research partners and policy makers. Wendy Carrara, project manager of the European Data Portal, will provide a presentation on 9 October about Machine Translation for Metadata. She will present the EDP's use of automated translation, and how it fosters multilingual access to Open Data.

Would you like to know more about this event? The programme is available online, and you can register at the conference website. Follow the LT Twitter channel to stay up to date, or follow #LTI17!

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