Interoperability solutions for a modern public administration |
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Interoperability solutions for a modern public administration

First ISA2 work programme adopted

From 2016 until 2020, a budget of €131 million is allocated to support interoperability solutions for the modernisation of public administrations across Europe. The attribution of these funds will take place in different phases following the release of work programmes, the first of which was adopted last month. For the first work programme under ISA2 the Member States and the European Commission submitted proposals for the funding of 52 projects, of which the most suitable 39 projects were selected.

These 39 projects are grouped into nine packages, reflecting various elements of modernising public administration, including Open Data. There are five, very diverse, projects selected which all aim to enhance the use of Open Data, ranging from the support of visualisations to standardisation of fiscal data. Do you want to know more about these projects? The work programme is available by following the link below.

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