It's all about semantics |
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It's all about semantics

This year's Semantic Interoperability Conference will discuss European data standards

Do you use data standards or do you develop your own data model? Both choices have their pro's and con's but all information architects will have to make this decision when they're creating a new system. This and other questions around data standards are covered at the Semantic Interoperability Conference, where this year's theme is "Data standards for interconnected Public Administrations".

During the conference participants will be able to discuss policies and practices among each other and learn from standardisation organisations, governments and European institutions such as the European Data Portal. Particular attention will be given to the ISA2 Programme and its horizontal data standards. Back-to-back with the conference a DCAT-AP workshop is organised to work further on this standard, more information can be found here. The conference on semantics will take place on the 12th of May in Rome, read more about this by following the link below.

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