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Language resources for the CEF affiliated countries

2nd ELRC Conference

On 26 October, the European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) is organising its second conference in Brussels, Belgium. During this conference, public service administrators and representatives of public sector bodies of all CEF affiliated countries will come together to discuss the further development of language and translation tools. In order to achieve this objective, the ELRC is collecting language and translation data relevant to national public services, administrations, and governmental institutions across all 30 European countries. This data is consequently used for the development of high-quality automated translation systems for EU languages. This system will then be provided over the CEF Automated Translation Platform. Automated translation is also used at the European Data Portal. By providing the data in multiple languages, the Open Data is made discoverable and accessible to the whole of Europe.

The central goal of the conference is to support sharing of language resources from public service administrations across all concerned countries. To provide the participants with a broad overview of what is happening, the programme first addresses the benefits and possibilities of machine translation to raise awareness on the importance of data for this tool. These demonstrations are also used to illustrate what type of data is needed and how public administrations can deliver it. To provide insight in the role of the translation tool in the framework of CEF, several practical presentations will be given such as the use of the tool by the European Data Portal.

Want to know more about the event or the work of the European Language Resource Coordination? Find out by following the link below.

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