Public procurement meets Open Data |
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Public procurement meets Open Data

The efficiency gains of opening up procurement data

Last month, the French government decided that by October 2018 all procurement data will have to be published. While the law primarily aims at increasing transparency, a group of public and private stakeholders came together in the beginning of May to discuss the other potential benefits of opening up procurement data.

During the workshop, the participants came to the conclusion that increased transparency is just one of the potential benefits. Another major benefit is increased efficiency in the procurement process which can lead to better procurement decisions and a better public understanding of the process. For example, scientists could analyse procurement data throughout France to identify market opportunities and award trends, including pricing behaviours.

Finally, local contractors can also benefit from the availability of this data in order to get a better understanding of how to submit a successful tender. Want to know more about the other conclusions of this workshop? Read it all by following the link below.

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