Save the date: SEMIC 2017 |
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Save the date: SEMIC 2017

Semantic Interoperability Conference

Data and information are high-value assets for both public and private organisations. But only by being secured, accessible, shareable and reusable will they deliver their full potential. This is why several (Open) Data and information management and governance initiatives are becoming increasingly important.

SEMIC 2017, the seventh edition of the SEMIC conference, the annual semantic interoperability conference, provides inspirational talks and presentations on forward-looking data and information management initiatives from European public administrations, EU institutions and agencies and the private sector.

The conference will bring together policy makers, IT practitioners, and researchers interested in topics related to semantic interoperability for public administrations. The central theme of this years' conference is data and information management. The conference is organised by the ISA2 Programme of the European Commission in collaboration with the Malta Information Technology Agency, and will be held in Valletta, Malta on 14 June 2017.

Save the date and make sure you do not miss this conference! For pre-registration, click here. For more information about SEMIC 2017, please visit the conference website.

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