On time with Open Data | data.europa.eu
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On time with Open Data

Swiss Federal Railways opens up

The time is long gone by when train travellers had to look at a board to see what time their train will leave. Nowadays, modern day travellers have a suite of applications at their disposal which can tell them how to get from A to B with the press of a button. These applications tend to become more and more customised to the needs of the user, a customisation for which the transport providers depend on the creativity of the developers.

The Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) wants to offer the best services to their clients and is convinced this is best achieved by co-creation and data science. To achieve real innovations, they therefore announced the development of an Open Data Portal. Through this portal, the SBB will gradually start publishing certain corporate data. By this portal, the company wants to provide qualitative and relevant data to innovative developers for them to work on the attractiveness of the Swiss public transport system. In order to get in contact with the developers community, SBB will also participate this year at the largest convention of hackers, HackZurich.

In collaboration with other Swiss public transport companies, the SBB is also working on the development of a platform to publish real-time data. This portal, which will be launched in December of this year, will contain all available data on the schedules, actual times of departure and arrival of the entire Swiss network. Want to know more about the release of Open Data on the Swiss public transport? Follow the link below.

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