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Le portail officiel des données européennes

Our Interactive eLearning Modules on Open Data

The Nuts and Bolts of Open Data

Through its series of eLearning modules as well as interactive Open Data materials, the European Data Portal has put together a comprehensive companion for all Open Data 'aficionados', that covers the main aspects of Open Data - from its definition and benefits, to choosing the right data format and licence, cleaning up data and sustainability of Open Data.

Our experts have selected 16 short modules designed for all those interested in discovering more about Open Data. The modules suit all levels from beginners to experts. The eLearning programme introduces users to every aspect of Open Data. Users will learn more about the definition of the concept as well as related issues, and read success stories from all over Europe. We introduce the major trends in Open Data, explain how people publish, access, and use it. Finally, we highlight the future of Open Data and get you thinking about the next steps for your own work.

In providing this material, the European Data Portal worked together with the Open Data Institute. As our 16 eLearning modules also shown, several experts of the Open Data Institute have accompanied the users in their Open Data knowledge journey.

In Module 1 for example, ODI Senior Trainer David Tarrant explains what Open Data is and why we need Open Data to begin with. David also walks us through the steps to take when choosing the right Open Data format, in order to best maximise the usability of Open Data (Module 11).

Dave Tarrant

Ben Cave examines how businesses and governments are unlocking value from Open Data and the positive impacts this has on the economy and society as a whole (Module 2). Liz Carolan - ODI International Development Manager - explains five characteristics of successful Open Data Initiatives and how to drive change through Open Data (Module 3). In Module 6, Liz walks us through the concept of a demand-focused approach to Open Data is and how performance indicators add value to open data initiatives.


Liz Carolan
Ben Cave


Building on this, ODI Policy Lead Ellen Broad explained in Module 4 why Open Data licences are important and how to choose the right type of licence when publishing Open Data. In Module 7, Ulrich Atz, Startup Programme Manager at ODI, explains the importance of sustainability for Open Data and why it matters to users. He also walks us through some of the key indicators that an Open Data initiative is built to last.


Ulrich Atz
Ellen Broad

All in all, our video materials share a broad variety of expertise, and provides the user with a comprehensive guide surrounding the nuts and bolts of Open Data. All our materials can be found on the designated e-Learning space of the European Data Portal. Check it out yourself, share it with your friends and help spread the word on Open Data's benefits and impact!

For more materials and information, follow the European Data Portal on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.