Open Data for the tourism industry |
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Open Data for the tourism industry

Lessons from the Open Data hackathon in Denmark

From 5 to 7 May, the Open Tourism Days were held in Copenhagen, Denmark. This three-day hackathon was fully dedicated to innovation, tourism and Open Data, and was organised by Open Data Denmark and Wonderful Copenhagen. The participants were full of ideas on how Open Data can be used to solve the challenges of the tourism industry.

Nine teams participated in the hackathon. The winning concept, 'Ride Copenhagen', offers bicycle rides that suit the weather and individuals' interests. Another concept that stood out was "Enligthened Aalborg", which is a system for weather information, where light sticks change colour when the weather will change in the next few hours. At the same time, the system will guide tourists to the attractions that suit the weather.

Selected concepts from the Open Tourism Days will be described in inspirational material, which will be available in June. In addition, the winning concept will be presented by Open Data DK's general meeting on 30 May and at the conferences "Tomorrow's Urban Travel" and "Integrating Tourism and Business: New Directions and Trends" respectively.

Would you like to know more about the Open Tourism Days? Read the summary here!

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