Open Labs launches Tirana's Open Data Geoportal |
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Open Labs launches Tirana's Open Data Geoportal

Providing the building blocks for open innovation

Open Labs is a community that aims to promote free and open source technologies, Open Data, open technological standards, online privacy, and powering public domain and alternative licenses of creative works. For one of its 2018 projects it cooperated with the Albanian municipality of Tirana. This resulted in the launch of Tirana's Open Data Geoportal.

The municipality of Tirana agreed to donate geospatial data to OpenStreetMap using an open license. After several iterations with OpenStreetMap contributors, the municipality and the Open Labs hackerspace, turned the donated data into The available data provides the building blocks for other Open Data initiatives. Data on, for instance, buildings, height of buildings, roads and their names will help the Albanian open source community to contribute to OpenStreetMap platforms and boost innovative urban development.

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