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Open Transport Data

Insights into one of the high value data domains

Not all Open Data has the same potential for re-use. A total of thirteen data categories can be found on the European Data Portal, but certain data categories are more likely to be re-used than others. On a European level, the European Commission has identified five thematic data domains that are expected to represent those with the highest demand from re-users across the EU: geospatial data, earth observation data and environment, transport data, statistics and company data. In this article, we will further explore the transport domain.

The transport domain is a very 'tangible' domain, with many Open Data use cases available. The European Data Portal use cases section lists 49 examples of Open Data use cases, among which GoOV, CityBike and Ladeklar. GoOV and OpenMove were also featured in a specific EDP webinar on the re-use of Open Data in the transport and mobility domain.

The European Data Portal offers 10,528 datasets in this particular category. This ranges from bicycle routes in the Netherlands, to the road network in Salzburg (Austria) and toll stations in Norway. In addition to showing infrastructure on the European mainland, also data on ferry routes and ports is provided such as in Scotland and Ireland. A ferry port is a harbour that provides facilities to handle the coming and going of vessels which carry passengers and or vehicles between two separated by sea locations. The figure below shows the ferry routes and ferry ports in Ireland.



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