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Felhasználási esetek

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  • Régiók és városok


My SnowMaps takes in input the data coming from the meteorologcal stations, the snow measures from the official monitoring network and the weather forecast and enters these measures into their own mathematical model to provide snowmaps and snowheight predictions.

  • Régiók és városok


Zillow is an America-based company that owns over twenty mobile real estate apps. The company provide its users with open data on buying, selling, renting and financing houses. In its database are over 110 million houses, both on the market available as well as houses not currently on sale.

Ingredio – szűrje ki az élelmiszeripari és kozmetikai termékek veszélyes összetevőit!

A kozmetikai és élelmiszeripari termékekben 13 000 különféle vegyi anyagot használnak. Sok közülük jelentős hatással lehet egészségünkre, még annak ellenére is, hogy emberi felhasználásuk engedélyezett.Ha Ön is meg szeretne győződni arról, hogy kedvenc termékei biztonságosak, használja az Ingredio alkalmazást! Az Ingredio mobilalkalmazás tájékoztatást nyújt az élelmiszerekben és kozmetikumokban előforduló potenciálisan veszélyes anyagokról.Ehhez elegendő mobiltelefonnal lefényképezni az adott termék összetevőit felsoroló címkét. A mobilalkalmazás a képet szöveggé alakítja, és tájékoztatja a
  • Kormányzat és közszféra


TheyWorkForYou is a parliamentary monitoring website that aims to make it easier for UK citizens to understand what is going on in the Parliament. The websites uses data from official parliamentary sources and presents the data in a more accessible version.

  • Közlekedés


P-route is a Dutch application that shows users where they can park their bike in the city of Utrecht. Through the application, users can find up-to-date information on space availability in bike parking facilities. In addition, the application shows information on distances to bike parking facilities and routes to get there.

  • Oktatás, kultúra és sport


LocalFocus is an online platform that provides data and data visualization tools to journalists. LocalFocus collects and analyses datasets on a wide variety of topics, providing both regional and national newspapers the ability to transform raw data into visual stories. The platform enables journalist to tell data-driven stories, without the need for technical skills.

  • Kormányzat és közszféra


Fix My Street Brussel is an application that allows citizen to report incidents within Brussel's public space. Incident that can be reported are for example broken street lights, fountains, bridges, roads, graffiti or abandoned objects. The app helps users to easily and quickly localize an incident, describe it, take a picture and send it to authorities.

  • Közlekedés


Waze is a free crowdsourced traffic and navigation application that was launched in 2008 and is now available in 40 languages. The app provides users with real-time traffic and road information. Users can enter their destination and then let the app navigate them there. While on their journey, they are updated on traffic conditions, such as accidents, traffic jam, police control and road closure.

  • Energia


GreenHome is a website that offers independent advice on how to create a more sustainable house. After entering a home address on the website, users are provided with custom made information on how they can make their home fossil-free and energy-neutral. This information includes, for example, implementation costs of solar, heating, insulation and other energy-saving measures that make sense for their particular home.

  • Tudomány és technológia


Visuagic is a platform that transforms data into interactive SVG images, animated GIFs and still PNGs that users can easily insert onto their websites, presentations and social media. It allows users to play with data visualisation, see their data form different points of views and compared variables, such as the population in different continents over time.