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The advances of Big Data and AI in Digital Finance

Discover what is covered in the open access book ‘Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance’

INFINITECH,  a project backed by the EU-funded H2020 programme comprising industry leaders in ICT and finance, has published the open access book ‘Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance’. The book sheds light on the recent developments in big data and AI technologies in the digital finance industry and how they can enhance personalisation and trust in the sector. It is in line with the ongoing digitisation of the financial sector and supports the implementation of the 2030 Digital Strategy and the European strategy for data.

The book provides a holistic and integrated approach to design, deploy and demonstrate big data and AI solutions.  It covers a range of technologies for big data, AI and blockchain that can tackle a variety of challenges in digital finance. For instance, the book presents a model for big data systems, explores blockchain technologies and digital currencies, and provides practical examples of Big Data and AI applications in finance and insurance.

In addition, the book takes a closer look at the regulatory environment and compliance in the finance sector. For example, it explains large-scale data anonymisation for GDPR Compliance looking at the process, tools to use, challenges and solutions. Lastly, the book provides an overview of applicable regulations in Digital Finance and supporting technologies.

Big Data and AI in the financial sector can benefit digital finance and increase personalisation and trust. Read the book to discover novel solutions for digital finance at scale.

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