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Assembly of European Regions

The AER Autumn Committee Plenaries 2018 will take place in Novi Sad

The Assembly of European Regions (AER) is a network for and of regional and local politicians, addressing political concerns of a pan-European nature and fostering leadership excellence on all levels of governance. The aim is to provide services for better decision-making and increased visibility. Several times per year, the Assembly of European Regions brings together regions, so that they may stand stronger together and leverage best practice exchange.

The 2018 AER Autumn Committee Plenaries will take place from 25 to 27 September in Novi Sad, the European Youth Capital 2019 and European Capital of Culture 2021. Register for the event, browse through the remarkable 30 year history of AER and their involvement in European and international affairs or read the latest AER activity report.

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