The general open data news will resume |
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The general open data news will resume

The EDP team will resume publishing the regular weekly news updates next to the COVID-19 data stories

Update from the European Data Portal (EDP) team.  
The EDP will resume publishing the regular weekly news updates as of this week. At the same time, the team will continue to focus on writing and publishing content dedicated to COVID-19 for the upcoming weeks to contribute to the global effort fighting the virus. Since the news was temporarily suspended, the EDP for COVID-19 editorial team published four data stories on the governmental response to COVID-19, monitoring dashboards and contact-tracing applications. Thereby, the website is populated with at least 47 data-related initiatives, such as webinars, hackathons, and digital assistants or monitoring graphs. The section also contains 17 verified datasets on COVID-19. 
The regular news updates will continue to be presented in four weekly news pieces and will include one use case of open data in Europe and/or on a global level. The aim is to continue to share knowledge on open data and related initiatives such as events, use cases, and regulations. 
Knowledge gained from open data insights can improve our decision-making and feed into innovative business ideas that can restart our economies. The EDP team encourages everyone, especially health researchers and government officials, entrepreneurs, and business officials, to share more open data with us via the channels below and to use the open data already available on the portal.  
Subscribe to our social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) and our newsletter to stay up to date on any relevant regular news updates or data stories about COVID-19. Also, please contact  the EDP team in case you have any questions regarding open data and/or want to share open data research in your country.  

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