Managing (Open) Data in Science |
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Managing (Open) Data in Science

The importance of data-management plans in science

The evolution of media, the internet, especially social media and new policies and regulations are doing their part in making individuals, companies and public bodies increasingly aware of the growing importance of data management with respect to various topics, including data protection (see "GDPR"). Read more about how to manage (open) data in business on the European Data Portal.

But not only businesses are focusing on data management. In the open science movement, data-management plans are now often required for research projects regardless of size or methodology. Researchers need to detail how they will create, share and preserve their data during and after a project. Many funding agencies have made data-management plans mandatory for grant applicants including e.g. the National Institutes of Health in the Netherlands. Data-management plans must also now be included in grant proposals to the European Research Council and other European Union-funded research programmes.

In 2017, a survey, carried out by the European Commission and the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc), found that only one-quarter of the 1,277 respondents to the survey had actually written a data-management plan yet. Find out how to write a data-management plan or read more about open science on the European Data Portal.

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