The Open Data maturity dashboard |
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The Open Data maturity dashboard

A playful way of learning about Open Data maturity levels in Europe

Do you like Open Data and playing around with dashboards? The European Data Portal offers a tool that combines both. The dashboard provides a great way to understand and compare Open Data maturity levels across Europe.

The dashboard is based on the latest EDP Open Data Maturity Report, published in November 2017. Exploring the various sections and components will answer questions like "Is the Open Data impact more significant in Ireland or in Norway?", "How mature is the Open Data Portal in Luxembourg as compared to Lithuania?" and "How did Europe evolve over time, when comparing the 2016 and 2017 numbers?".

Open Data enthusiasts can find the dashboard on the website of the European Data Portal. Along the dashboard overviews, one can download related documentation and retrieve the research data to come up with your own dashboard or visualisation.

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