Open Maps for Europe |
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Open Maps for Europe

EuroGeographics to provide free and open access to maps of over 40 European countries

In the summer of 2021, the Open Maps for Europe project is expected to provide free access to use maps from over 40 countries across Europe. The project is  a collaboration of  EuroGeographics and the National Geographic Institute (NGI) Belgium, supported by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme of the European Union.

A new online interface, created by thinkWhere will make it possible for users to access map, geospatial, and land information. Apart from topographic data, the gateway will also provide a digital elevation model, imagery, a cadastral index map, and a regional gazetteer.

This project is a unique collaboration of mapping and geospatial authorities across Europe and is a clear example of how opening up public sector information can benefit society.

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