An open platform for traffic monitoring |
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An open platform for traffic monitoring

Discover enviroCar, an open Citizen Science Platform that collects, shares, and analyses car data

EnviroCar is a German application and platform that collects, shares, and analyses car data through built-in car sensors to monitor traffic and to help users measure their environmental impact. More concretely, enviroCar:

  • Collects data via a free android application that collects car sensor data while users drive.
  • Shares data by enabling users to upload recorded tracks onto the enviroCar community data store. In addition, the platform provides free and open access to the community's anonymised tracks for use and analysis.
  • Analyses the data offering a variety of interactive analysis and visualisation tools, map products, and APIs to help users gain insights into road traffic and users' driving behaviour.

EnviroCar is one of the over 500 use cases published on the European Data Portal. If you are aware of another inspiring use case, share your experience and knowledge about different applications and websites using open data with the EDP via mail, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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