Research Summit - What drives Europe's digital economy |
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Research Summit - What drives Europe's digital economy

Two day conference in London from 21 - 22 March

Policy and business leaders are urgently trying to understand how digital technologies are impacting Europe. Readie's Research Summit is an outstanding opportunity to meet international Digital Economy experts, hear about access to funding, new data sources, and cutting edge research.

The event brings together policy makers, businesses and researchers working across Europe's Digital Economy with an interest in big data methods, entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth.

Register now to hear the most influential experts on the subject including Professor Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, of the Oxford Internet Institute and best-selling author of 'Big Data', Nicklas Lundblad, Head of EMEA Public Policy and Government Relations at Google, Robin Chase, Founder of Zipcar and Veniam, Dane Stangler, Vice President of Research and Policy at the Kauffman Foundation and Enrico Giovannini, member of the Club of Rome.

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