Update: DCAT-AP advancements | data.europa.eu
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Update: DCAT-AP advancements

Italy publishes GeoDCAT-AP

Developments in the field of DCAT-Application Profiles (DCAT-AP) for Open Data portals in Europe are crucial for enabling cross-data portal search for datasets and making public sector data better searchable across borders and sectors.

Italy's national repository of territorial data RNDT published the "GeoDCAT-AP implementation Italian guidelines". This type of Data Catalogue Vocabulary (DCAT) can be considered a national extension of the GeoDCAT-AP and takes into account the Italian extensions to the INSPIRE metadata profile and the DCAT-AP. The published specifications help to bridge the categorisation of spatial data from the RNDT and the Open Data from the Italian national Open Data catalogue dati.gov.it.

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