Call for Challenges by AI4EU |
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Call for Challenges by AI4EU

The European AI on Demand Platform and Ecosystem calls for challenges that can be solved with AI

The European AI on Demand Platform and Ecosystem (AI4EU), is an initiative that collects the most critical AI challenges among European industry and supports these ideas in obtaining EU funding.

The platform has now launched the AI4EU Call for Challenges, a competition that aims to select 13 challenges that have an impact on industry, business, or society and can be tackled by using existing AI resources that are part of the AI4EU Platform. These challenges should strive to support businesses or the public sector, with a special focus on SMEs, to run their business and operations more efficiently or to offer innovative services to customers or citizens, with extra credit for solutions with an impact on the pandemic.

By defining the challenge clearly and laying out how AI can solve the problem, applicants can receive funding up to € 10 000 and partake in a six-months Support Program, where participants will be working out two solution ideas with at least two solution providers. Solution providers are selected in the AI4EU Call for Solutions coming up soon. 

The current call is accepting applications put forward by:

  • Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises
  • Mid-Caps (Medium size market cap companies)
  • Large Companies
  • AI4EU Consortium Partners

Interested to participate? Read more on the AI4EU page!

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